
How medical devices can help people with disability become more independent
Diagnoses, like ALS, MS, tetraplegia, or muscular dystrophy, can cause paralysis of arms and hands. That hinders the ability to communicate online, which can make you dependent on other people to help you. Luckily, a lot of different medical devices can help you become more independent.

How to take care of your mental health after a spinal cord injury
Studies show that adults with spinal cord injuries have a higher risk of mental health problems. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the different stages associated with going through a crisis. In this article, we also lists five good tips for taking care of your mental health, including using medical devices and psychotherapy.

How we work with United Nations SDG's
UN’s 17 sustainable development goals focuses on reducing inequalities and improve health for all in the world. We see the SDG’s as a guideline for how we measure up in creating a better world. We have singled out 3 of the 17 goals, where we in our organization can make the biggest difference.

Sådan ansøger du om et hjælpemiddel
Med et fysisk eller psykisk handicap kan du få bevilget støtte fra kommunen til et hjælpemiddel, hvis det vurderes, at det kan aflaste din hverdag eller er nødvendig for, at du kan udføre dit job. Du skal have en henvisning fra din egen læge eller sygehus, og så søger du via