Our Mission
Mission statement
We at Tubus Technology enforce self-empowerment and independence by developing products that are designed to make a difference for people with physical limitations.
We want to create a world in which everyone has equal opportunities
We challenge the old to make way for the new
We want to challenge the old paradigms and raise the bar for how we develop innovation for people with physical limitations. We want to break down the barriers while providing our customers with the best possible products that can improve their quality of life, in an easy to buy and accessible way. By challenging an industry that has been reliant on old-fashioned ways of working with stakeholders, we are making way for the new.
We create equality for our customers
We want to break the barriers for people with disabilities. Everyone should be treated equally, and have the same opportunities. There is a common prejudice that physical disabilities equal cognitive disabilities, which is not true. We want to lead the way and show that we are all equal and therefore should have equal opportunities.
Easy to buy, easy to use
We offer the end-users the opportunity to find and purchase innovative products in a few simple steps. The products should make a noticeable difference in their lives instantly from receiving the box. Easy to unwrap, easy to understand, no boundaries due to culture or language differences, and accessibility. We see a future, where our products are sold and consumed like all other commercial products. For the benefit of our end-users and customers.
Knowledge and innovation
We bring innovative products, ideas, and bold perspectives to the industry, and provide people the opportunity to become first movers. We contribute with knowledge, motivational subjects, and stories from people around the world. We offer knowledge about different lifestyles by making user cases and portraits of people who live life in a different way. We use the ”wisdom of the crowd” for idea development because it has shown potential for product development.
”In Tubus Technology, we want all people to have the same opportunities despite disability”
- Lizanne Svane, CEO Tubus